Smart Choice Mortgage Loans

- Conventional, FHA, Rural Development, and VA Loans - We do it all!
- Gale Credit Union First Time Home Buyer Program
- Experienced Loan Officer and Team of Experts
- Super Fast Pre-qualifications
- New Loan Purchases, Refinance and Cash-Out Refinancing
- Fixed Rate and Smart Choice Adjustable Rates
- Low Down Payment Options
- Low Closing Costs
- Make Your Payments at Gale Credit Union
- Many Options to Meet Your Mortgage Loan Needs
Inquire Online Today
Contact Us To Apply Home Buyer Guide
My Mortgage Portal Link
Mortgage Loan Application (Note: Complete each section as it applies below)
- Mortgage Loan Application - required for all applicants.
- Additional Borrower - required for each additional co-borrower
- Unmarried Addendum - for two or more borrowers who are unmarried
- Continuation Addendum - for additional information
Make your home-ownership dream come true while supporting your local credit union!
Gale Credit Union partners with Servion Mortgage to provide you with a leading team of experts for the best deal!